Imagine knowing you’ve got everything covered

What is financial planning and why is it important?

You’re in the thick of life and can’t seem to get the headspace to answer those questions rumbling round in your head: when am I ever going to be able to retire? If something were to happen to me, would my family be looked after? How can we make sure we have enough money to give our kids every opportunity? Should we pay the mortgage off or invest with this windfall we’ve received?

That’s where we come in. We look at your financial life in its entirety because every piece of the jigsaw needs to fit right to make that picture clear.

Our goals are to help you make those big decisions, allay your fears and put you on the right track to achieving the very best outcomes for you.

Make an appointment with one of our consultants today and look forward to the certainty that comes with knowing what you should be doing with your finances and the relief of knowing how you’re going to do it, with our support.

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A financial plan will provide you with peace of mind

How can we help?

Your Financial Plan

Imagine having your very own bespoke financial plan - your road map to financial peace of mind.

Protect Your Family

Would your family survive financially if something happened to you tomorrow to prevent you from working?


Living your life without worrying about money is what we want for you and investing is a useful tool in helping you achieve that.


The peace of mind that comes with having a pot of savings is one of life’s simple pleasures.

Retirement planning

We tend to hurtle through life at the speed of sound, then suddenly retirement is around the corner and we’re just not prepared!

Why SYS Financial?

It can sometimes feel like everyone is an expert on personal finance and yet much of what you read or hear is contradictory. That’s because it’s based on rules of thumb or ‘the average person’. At SYS we follow six principles and that’s why we’re different.

1. It’s about you, not us

You are unique with your own hopes and dreams. We take the time to get to know what they are and only then do we offer advice.

2. Planning led, not product led

Your SYS consultant will start by developing your bespoke plan, which will guide all your decision-making in relation to money.

3. Integrated, not isolated

Your financial life is like a jigsaw puzzle. You need to know what picture you’re trying to make and you also need all the pieces or you can’t complete the picture.

4. Best-in-class solutions

Because we are brokers we can offer choice. From our extensive network of providers and partners we will find the right solutions to meet your particular needs.

5. Experience and expertise

You will have unparalleled access to the industry-leading expertise and experience that our consultants bring, along with the best financial planning tools and systems.

6. Long-term relationships

Building a successful financial life takes many years of focus and discipline. Your SYS consultant will help you manage your financial life for all your life.

The 5-step process

How do you get from where you are now to what you would consider ‘financial success’, because that’s different for everybody?

In 5 well-defined steps, that’s how. This is our tried and trusted process, which gives you ownership of your financial future, with all the support from us you need.

Your Goals

Your unique life is the cornerstone of all that we do. We start by listening and learning about you and your current financial life, considering your financial objectives and agreeing how we might work best together.

Your Needs

The next step is to understand where you are today. We analyse in detail your current financial situation and review your current financial arrangements. Your financial needs will then be identified and prioritised. 

Your Plan

You need a roadmap to guide your financial life. This is your bespoke financial plan, that makes recommendations to achieve your financial goals and helps you to live the life that you want. 

Your Solutions

You deserve the very best and most appropriate financial products to meet your particular needs. These will be sourced for you on the most favourable terms available, and seamlessly put in place.

Your Future

Your goals and needs will change and you require a partner who will help you throughout life. We will meet you regularly, review your changing situation and take action to achieve the best outcomes for you.

It is our mission to provide you with the best financial advice on the market

Call our trusted & experienced advisers today
Professional woman sat at desk

“From day one I have found both Tony and the SYS Group to be a company that I am comfortable and happy to invest my pension with. From my perspective they took the time to get to know me as a client and my individual needs. Keith was assigned to me and I have found him to be as professional and interested as Tony is, proving the ethos of the business flows through all the staff. The response time to all queries is very quick and there is no such thing as a ‘stupid’ question, which I found very refreshing as the intricacies of pensions seems to confuse most of us.

I would and have recommended SYS Group to friends and colleagues.”


Helen Geary, Branch Manager Cara Credit Union Ltd – SYS Group Client

About SYS Group

The team at SYS Group lives by our guiding principle of ‘Sophisticated Yet Simple’. We are expert financial planners and are fully regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Why SYS Group

SYS was established in 2015 to bring a new standard in financial planning to business owners, professionals and families. From our network of offices across Ireland, our team of experienced and expert financial consultants deliver valuable and unbiased financial advice.

Latest News and Insights

Our consultants have written a variety of blogs, to help you to understand the nuances between different services. If you are still unsure about any service, please email us on or ring us on 067 57057