A goal without a plan is just a wish

Make wiser financial decisions every day

Imagine having your very own bespoke financial plan – your road map to financial peace of mind.  Having a plan means you are more likely to reach your destination, and on the way you benefit from the peace of mind that you are on the best route.

So, how does it work? It involves opening the bonnet on your financial life with one of our financial consultants. Together we look at how to solve the financial headaches you have now and could have in the future, whether that’s making a plan to own your first home, building a pension that will provide a comfortable retirement for your lifetime or making sure the children have every opportunity, including going to third level… It can be a revealing experience, it can make you feel vulnerable, it can be cathartic, but at the end of it you will have clarity around your finances that you’ve never had before.

"Make time for planning: Wars are won in the general's tent" Stephen R. Covey

The consequences of having no plan

Having no plan means it comes down to chance whether you are financially prepared for what life brings. Having no plan means that unexpected events like contracting a serious illness or losing your job could be disastrous, but it also means that you are less likely to hit the milestones you expect to reach, like buying or building your dream home and retiring at the age you want. 

Having no plan can lead to feelings of anxiety and of life passing you by.

Knowing what's important

You have probably heard a lot of talk about the importance of having financial goals. If you know what your goals are, that’s great. But if you don’t, don’t worry. Your financial goals are really your life goals, or what’s important to you. 

Our financial consultants ask the right questions when they meet you and listen closely to your answers. They will be able to draw out what’s important to you in life. The next step is to figure out how you can manage your finances in such a way as to live that life you want to, now and in the future. That’s the plan.

In it for the long haul

As you can gather, we take a long-term view when we advise you and the same goes for our client relationships. We get to know you very well when we build a financial plan together. We will pencil in annual reviews because, as your life changes, we may need to adjust your financial plan to keep you on track, but outside of those reviews, you know you have a trusted person who knows your situation on your side when you need advice.

I want a financial plan

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