Understanding is deeper than knowledge

Live your life without worrying about money

Living your life without worrying about money is what we want for you and investing is a useful tool in helping you achieve that. Investing is an excellent way of growing your excess money. The key is to develop an investment strategy with a risk level that does not put you under stress and that makes sure you have access to that money as and when you need it. 

The opposite of a strategy is ad hoc investing. Taking investment recommendations from a friend or on the basis of something you heard in the media is a recipe for confusion and worry. We take a joined-up approach – before we make a single recommendation, we take the time to understand your own unique circumstances, goals, time horizons and attitude to risk. You will be glad to know we are also 100% transparent about fees and charges.

So, whether you have some investments or none at all, talk to us today about creating a bespoke investment strategy aimed at making your excess money work hard, without putting your lifestyle at risk.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." — Benjamin Franklin

Investing and risk

The question of risk is a fundamental one when it comes to investing: how much risk do you want to take on, and how much can you afford to take? We’ve all heard the phrase, “The value of your investment may go down as well as up” and for this reason it’s important that you understand completely all the risks associated with any investment you make.

In most cases, the higher the potential return on an investment, the greater the risk you have to take. As part of our process, we will ensure you are fully aware of your appetite for risk and your capacity for it. Moreover, our experienced consultants will advise you, every step of the way, on growing your money without putting your lifestyle at risk.

The SYS Investment Process

Investment planning is a core element of your financial life. We have developed a tried and trusted process to ensure you achieve your investment goals.

1. Identify your investment objectives

2. Understand and assess your current investment strategy

3. Explore your risk profile

4. Shine a light on the investment market – what you need to know

5. Recommend an investment strategy

6. Research the market

7. Agree and implement the chosen investment solution

8. Review

One piece of the jigsaw

Investing is just one element of your financial life; it affects and is affected by the other elements. That’s why, though you may approach us to talk about investment, our consultants will conduct a financial review with you, taking the time to understand the full picture, so that all the pieces of your jigsaw fit together.

It is our mission to provide you with the best financial advice on the market

Call our trusted & experienced advisers today