We are here to help you safeguard your assets

Opportunity meets complexity

Your business is a success because you understand the importance of having a plan. It is no different when it comes to your personal assets. A plan starts with an end – an ambition. Having discovered what that is, we will work with you to map out how you can fulfil your ambition whether it’s wealth transfer, tax-efficient estate planning, legacy building, protecting your income or all of the above and more.

In the working out of the plan, we will conduct a forensic analysis of your current portfolio and rate it for suitability. Knowing where you stand now will give you the knowledge you need to make good decisions about the future.

Wealth can bring great opportunity but also great complexity. Complexity can cause stress. Our goal is to be that trusted adviser, sitting at your shoulder, reducing the complexity of your affairs while always safeguarding your assets.

"Earning a lot of money is not the key to prosperity. How you handle it is" Dave Ramsey

Protecting your biggest asset

Rule number one of wealth management is protecting your most important assets. You might think your most important asset is your property but it’s you – your ability to earn or bring in an income. Imagine the consequences of not being able to earn because of injury or illness. It would be bad enough if it were for a few months or a year, but imagine if you were incapacitated for the rest of your working life – that could mean five, ten, twenty years of no earnings. That’s where having an income protection plan comes in. Income protection insurance ensures you continue to cover your expenses, including funding your retirement, without breaking into your nest egg. 

Income protection is the gift to yourself of peace of mind, the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you and your family will be financially secure regardless of what happens to you.

Why SYS Private

A tried and tested process

At SYS, we know that financial planning is a journey over many years. We developed the SYS Journey to Financial Freedom, a thorough step-by-step process to ensure you achieve the life that you want to live.

  • Review your financial goals 
  • Identify and manage any risks to the achievement of these goals
  • Get a 360-degree view of your circumstances 
  • Identify future anticipated changes 
  • Review your appetite, capacity and need for investment risk
  • Review the economic backdrop in relation to your plan 
  • Review the relevant investment markets and their impact on the achievement of your plan 
  • Review legislation / taxation changes that could impact your plan 
  • Review relevant new developments and solutions in the market
  • Assess your portfolio construction 
  • Review its suitability for the achievement of your financial objectives Review the asset allocation of your investment and pension portfolios against their ability to meet future objectives 
  • Review your portfolio’s performance in achieving your required outcomes 
  • Rebalance the portfolio in line with the required asset allocation
  • Model your anticipated future income and expenditure 
  • Identify and integrate one-off financial events into the model 
  • See your future financial capacity for every year until your death 
  • Examine how future financial strategies might play out
  • Discuss other financial objectives that are currently not being addressed Integrate them into the plan where required 
  • Find suitable solutions to address these needs

Discuss any other financial issues you are facing that are outside our remit but where our opinion may be of help

  • Provide guidance in relation to other areas linked to personal financial planning 
  • Refer you to trusted partners for expert assistance as required
  • Schedule future reviews to ensure your protection requirements are aligned to any changes in your circumstances

Future Cashflow Modelling

Our consultants use a proven methodology that enables you to see your future cash flow for the rest of your life based on your current income and expenditure and certain future events such as the acquisition or sale of a business, your retirement and your children going to third level. 

The cashflow projection is presented in a uniquely visual way which enables you to see your probable future excess cash. Your consultant will work out a plan with you to make sure you are maximising that surplus, including philanthropy or social enterprise should they be of interest. The projection can give you the reassurance you need to m ake business and personal decisions with confidence. 

It is our mission to provide you with the best financial advice on the market

Call our trusted & experienced advisers today