Consider your future today

Retirement planning is about more than being tax efficient

How coherent is your retirement strategy? It is common for high net worth individuals to have built up a number of pension investments. While there is nothing inherently wrong with that, it can mean that the approach is disjointed and the asset allocation skewed.

On the other hand, you may be someone who does not have a pension per se but has ‘nest eggs’, which could be in the form of property, among other asset classes.

Regardless of which group you fall into, we will help you maximise the tax efficiencies available from investing for retirement and create a coherent strategy that takes your risk tolerance, years to retirement and specific preferences into account. 

If you are an experienced investor, we can introduce you to and guide you through a self-administered pension and other pension structures.

"What is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

The 100 year life

The chances are that by the time you retire, living to 100 will be the norm. That means your retirement could last over 30 years! Deciding how to take your benefits requires considered attention. We are on hand as you near retirement to advise you on the various ways there are to draw down your pension(s) and how to ensure that the funds continue to work hard for you after this point. 

A tried and tested process

We have developed the tried and trusted SYS Retirement Process to ensure you achieve your retirement goals.

  • Review your financial goals 
  • Identify and manage any risks to the achievement of these goals
  • Understand your current financial position 
  • Understand your current retirement planning strategy 
  • Carry out a comprehensive review of your existing pension assets
  • Explore the risk and reward relationship 
  • Define your own risk appetite 
  • Clarify your risk capacity and need to take risk
  • Explain the structure of the Irish pensions system and how it impacts you 
  • Explain any confusing pensions terminology
  • Identify a strategy to meet your retirement goals 
  • Ensure your full understanding of the recommended approach 
  • Agree a retirement planning solution to be researched in detail
  • Identify possible solutions, taking account the suitability of fund choices, the providers’ financial strength, charging structures and customer service capability 
  • Negotiate best terms with the chosen providers
  • Agree the recommended solution with you 
  • Help you to complete the paperwork 
  • Liaise with the provider on your behalf to ensure speedy implementation -Ensure all documentation is finalised and in order 
  • Ensure all tax-relief certification is in order
  • Schedule future reviews to ensure your retirement objectives remain on track 
  • Monitor the performance of your pension funds 
  • Suggest actions to be taken if objectives are not being met 
  • Implement future changes to the retirement strategy as required by you

It is our mission to provide you with the best financial advice on the market

Call our trusted & experienced advisers today

Why SYS Private

Private wealth management requires a deeper understanding of tax, governance and regulatory issues than many financial services firms possess. It calls for a stewardship role which can only be delivered by experienced wealth management consultants. 

  • We are a multi-award winning wealth management provider setting new standards in the Irish market for private clients and families. Our private client arm is driven by protecting and growing your assets. We are at heart a family business, which means you will get a very personal service and will always be able to speak to your consultant, who has that complete picture of your financial world.
  • We have €250 million in funds under management, and growing. Our experienced private wealth consultants have worked with clients like you for years. We have access to taxation expertise, an invaluable resource for our private clients.