Hands shaking

What We Do & Why We Do It

What do I do? What does SYS do? What do Financial Advisers do? If I had a euro for every time, I got asked these questions, its safe to say I’d be living closer to the Caribbean than Castletroy!

All joking aside, I feel it’s really important for people to understand the function of a Financial Adviser in a person’s life. I’ve coined the phrase “Life Gets in the Way” when speaking to clients as a means of understanding why they haven’t got around to accessing their personal finances, and I honestly believe it. Day to day living takes up a lot of your time! Prioritising a review of your Protection, Pension, Investment and other policies can be hard to muster after a long week of minding your kids or navigating the month-end at work. This is where we, Financial Advisers (SYS in particular), come in. Our role is to relieve the pressure of monitoring your personal finances. I like to describe it as; we add value by giving you back your time. As a colleague of mine said to me lately, “we look after today, so they can look forward to tomorrow”. For the golf fans among you, we are a financial caddie!

Moving on abruptly from that left field analogy, I would like to delve deeper into what we at SYS do specifically and illustrate this to you, using my usual “go to” representation.

How does your portfolio measure up to the gold standard?

To summarize the image, we forensically examine your current situation; we access what has changed in your life since the policies/plans were taken out and present a recommendation on areas; where appropriate, that require attention and possibly change. As the image above outlines, we carry out our assessment based on 8 fundamental pillars. This allows us to achieve the highest standard of analysis which gives us and the client full confidence that what we present is 100% accurate.

If you have found this blog informative, I would be delighted to hear from you and to help in any way possible. There has never been a better opportunity than today to schedule time for yourself and let a Financial Adviser guide you on the road to financial security and efficiency. You can contact me directly at daniel@syswealth.ie. Alternatively, you can contact me through my LinkedIn account or by calling our office on +3536757057.

I hope you will continue to follow these series of blogs that will be on the SYS platform and hopefully, we can continue to help you on your financial journey.


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